Saturday, October 10, 2020

Possible matches Record of Ragnarock (Theory)

Ragnarok is Gods vs Mankind's final struggle event. Explained in the Valhalla Constitution, article No. 62, paragraph 15 of the Super Special Clause. It's a one-on-one showdown between the gods and mankind.

I use 3 theory to try to predict possible match ups.
 1. That humans and gods cant be from same country or religion
 2. That humans and gods must have something  opposite or similar   to each other (personality,power..)

Proving theory 

 Lü Bu vs Thor

Victor: Thor
Match Length: 16 Minutes and 28 Seconds
Deciding Move: Geirröd Thor's Hammer
Humans 0 - 1 Gods

1. Theory

       Lü Bu  lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty of Imperial China.
      Thor is a prominently mentioned god throughout the recorded history of the Germanic peoples, from the Roman occupation of regions of Germania, to the Germanic expansions of the Migration Period, to his high popularity during the Viking Age.    

2. Theory similar personality

Even thought it seems that are similar they are opposite.
Lü Bu is a fearless, bold, determined, and battle lusting individual who takes an enormous amount of pleasure in fighting.
 He is seen in his childhood up until his adulthood to challenging anything stronger than him but whatever stood in his way was simply annihilated
Lü Bu is described by Brunhilde to be the worst and most barbaric warrior.

Thor is a battle maniac and takes great interest in fighting; especially with strong and worthy opponents.

                                                         Adam vs Zeus

Victor: Zeus
Match Length: 7 Minutes and 13 Seconds
Deciding Move: Straight Punch
Humans 0 - 2 Gods


1.   Theory   

    It cant be proven because Adam know gods before. 

  Zeus is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion.

2. Theory   similar personality

Adam was the Father of Humanity, the first and original man created in the image and likeness of a God.
Adam's love for his children was so strong that even as he died he could think only of protecting them from any who would try and do them harm.

Zeus so-called "God Father Of Cosmos"
Zeus tends to have emotional outbursts when something amuses or excites him. He's usually seen smiling whenever he goes into battle and would do anything he wants to fight the opponent
As the fourth round began, he seriously watched the fight and did not show his usual outbursts. He also showed great faith in his adopted son, Heracles stating that losing a limb is no reason to believe that his son would lose.

                                                    Kojiro Sasaki vs Poseidon

Victor: Kojiro Sasaki
Match Length: 13 Minutes and 7 Seconds
Deciding Move: Swallow Tiger Combo, Thousand Blades
Humans 1 - 2 Gods

1. Theory

 Kojirō Sasaki, was a prominent Japanese swordsman widely considered a master of his craft, born in Fukui Prefecture. ( Japan)

Poseidon was one of the Twelve Olympians in ancient Greek religion and myth, god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses

2. Theory  opposite personality 

Kojiro respects all of his fellow swordsmen that he fought and lost against because they helped him by giving insights to their techniques so he can surpass them.
 When Poseidon breaks his sword in half, Kojiro picks up the broken blade with his other hand to continue fighting. He declares that there's no way he would lose to a guy, that never even considered the hopes and dreams of others. 

Poseidon is a fearsome, cold-hearted god.
His hate extends past humans to the other gods. When he first arrived in the arena, he referred to both gods and humans as filth. This hate can be seen again where he glared at the gods who praised him during his fight against Sasaki.
He believes that gods are perfect beings and that they have no need for things that humans need: supporters, schemes, an army, etc. This can be seen when he mocked Adamas for soiling his perfect ideal.
Poseidon was only interested in turning the battle into one of pure strength. 

                                                   Jack the Ripper vs Heracles

Victor: Jack the Ripper
Match Length: 26 Minutes and 57 Seconds
Deciding Move: Dear God
Humans 2 - 2 Gods

1. Theory

Jack the Ripper was an unidentified serial killer active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. England

Heracles, born Alcaeus or Alcides, was a divine hero in Greek mythology, 

2. Theory  opposite personality 

Jack the Ripper was described as the most despicable scum in human history by Brunhilde. Jack may act like a gentleman but he's actually a horrible man who wants to kill for fun. He can be open-minded and creative whenever he wants to kill someone by using everything available to him and understand how it works.

Heracles is one of the few gods who are against ending humanity as he seeks to find a way to save them. He has been proven as an honorable man that no matter how much Heracles hated Jack, he was willing to give Jack a chance to surrender and implore Zeus to not let his soul be completely destroyed. He also despises senseless murder.

                                                Raiden Tameemon vs Shiva

VictorIn progress
Match LengthIn progress
Deciding MoveIn progress
Humans ??? - ??? Gods


1. Theory 

Raiden Tameemon, born Seki Tarōkichi, was a Japanese sumo wrestler 
The Shiva-related tradition is a major part of Hinduism, found all over the Indian subcontinent India.

2. Theory   opposite personality 

Göll described Raiden as the incarnation of desire. He has been shown to be a perverted and lustful man when he's around beautiful women. Despite this, he claims that he is always completely serious about any statement he makes.

In the beginning of his fight against Shiva, Raiden appears to take the battle very seriously, disregarding almost all the statements Shiva makes that say fighting is fun. He later questions how people could possibly consider fighting a sport for enjoyment, signifying that his motivations differ vastly from that of Shiva's. Raiden's motivation for fighting in Ragnarok is to free humanity's will from the gods' control over them.

Shiva is introduced as a carefree, proud, and powerful god. However, he has shown violent tendencies, even against Zeus himself but stood down when the odds were not in his favor This is further reinforced when he boldly became shocked by what his opponent thinks of Ragnarök, stating that it is the best event.


King Leonidas  vs  Bishamon 

The Leonidas main weapon was the dory spear. For long range, they carried a javelin. Always armed with a xiphos as a secondary weapon.
Leonidas is an unemotional rock, except when he is angry and yelling.
Leonidas being the epitome of a man who shows neither joy nor sorrow, only anger. Before going into battle, he parts from his wife and son, knowing that he will never see them again. He doesn't kiss either one of them goodbye. Doesn't say that he loves them...because Spartan's "show no weakness." 

In Japan, Bishamonten s thought of as an armor-clad god of war or warriors and a punisher of evildoers. Bishamon is portrayed holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other hand, the latter symbolizing the divine treasure house, whose contents he both guards and gives away. In Japanese folklore, he is one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

 Grigori Rasputin vs  Beelzebub 


Grigori Rasputin was a Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man who befriended the family of Nicholas II, the last emperor of Russia, and gained considerable influence in late imperial Russia.

Rasputin was born to a peasant family in the Siberian village of Pokrovskoye in the Tyumensky Uyezd of Tobolsk Governorate (now Yarkovsky District of Tyumen Oblast). 

He had a religious conversion experience after taking a pilgrimage to a monastery in 1897. He has been described as a monk or as a "strannik" (wanderer or pilgrim), though he held no official position in the Russian Orthodox Church. He traveled to St. Petersburg in 1903 or the winter of 1904–1905, where he captivated some church and social leaders. He became a society figure and met Emperor Nicholas and Empress Alexandra in November 1905.

Beelzebub or Beelzebul  is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal.
In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.
He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies".

Simo Hayha vs Apollo

Simo "SimunaHäyhä  was a Finnish military sniper. He is believed to have killed over 500 men during the 1939–40 Winter War, the highest number of sniper kills in any major war. Häyhä used a Finnish-produced M/28-30 rifle, a variant of the Mosin–Nagant rifle, and a Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun. Simo never talked about it publicly but estimated in his private war-time diary that he shot around 500.

Apollo is a god in Greek mythology, and one of the Twelve Olympians. He is the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis. He is the god of healing, medicine, archery, music, poetry and the sun.  
The invention of archery itself is credited to Apollo and his sister Artemis. Apollo is usually described as carrying a golden bow and a quiver of silver arrows. 

Qin Shi Huang vs Buddha

Qin Shi Huang was the founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China.He is traditionally said to have banned and burned many books and executed scholars
 Qin Shi Huang feared death and desperately sought the fabled elixir of life, which would supposedly allow him to live forever. He was obsessed with acquiring immortality and fell prey to many who offered him supposed elixirs.
 He visited Zhifu Island three times in order to achieve immortality..

The Buddha was a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who lived in Ancient India. He is revered as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism, and worshiped by most Buddhist schools as the Enlightened One who has transcended Karma and escaped the cycle of birth and rebirth. 

 Michel Nostradamus  vs Odin

Michel de Nostredame French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. 

Odin could learn or develop powers when he needed to do so. For example, he developed the ability to see the future after he sacrificed an eye to drink from Mimir’s well; that’s how he found out that Fenrir would ultimately devour him. 

 Okita Sōji vs Anubis

Master Swordsman: Souji is a tremendously skilled master swordsman, during his life as a human, he became a master of Tennen Rishin-ryu at the age of 18 and is considered to be one of the best swordsmen of the Shisengumi
Okita has both the facet of a cool-headed manslayer, as well as a cheerful side that is fond of children.
Although she is essentially a cool-headed manslayer, towards those who pardoned that mentality,

Anubis presumably possesses the conventional attributes of the Egyptian Gods including superhuman strength, stamina, vitality, and resistance to harm. He also has several undefined skills, presumably magical in nature, to perceive spirits, cross dimensions (such as into the Dream dimension), and to shapeshift from god, to jackal-headed god and back into a jackal. He can also fire unspecified energy blasts from his eyes. Anubis' powers are vastly amplified within his Palace of Death and Rebirth--with minimal effort, he was able to separate the souls and bodies from powerful beings.

   Kintarō vs  Loki

Kintarō  is a folk hero from Japanese folklore.child of superhuman strength, he was raised by a yama-uba ("mountain witch") on Mount Ashigara. He became friendly with the animals of the mountain, and later, after catching Shuten-dōji, the terror of the region around Mount Ōe, he became a loyal follower of Minamoto no Yorimitsu under the new name Sakata no Kintoki 

Loki have  the ability to change his shape and sex. Although his father was the giant Fárbauti, he was included among the Aesir (a tribe of gods).
 Loki was represented as the companion of the great gods Odin and Thor, helping them with his clever plans but sometimes causing embarrassment and difficulty for them and himself.

 Nikola Tesla vs Susanoo-no-Mikoto

Susanoo  is a kami in Japanese mythology. The younger brother of Amaterasu, goddess of the sun and mythical ancestress of the Japanese imperial line, he is a multifaceted deity with contradictory characteristics (both good and bad), being portrayed in various stories either as a wild, impetuous god associated with the sea and storms, as a heroic figure who killed a monstrous serpent, or as a local deity linked with the harvest and agriculture. Syncretic beliefs that arose after the introduction of Buddhism to Japan also saw Susanoo becoming conflated with deities of pestilence and disease.

Tesla conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless-controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Tesla became well known as an inventor and demonstrated his achievements to celebrities and wealthy patrons at his lab, and was noted for his showmanship at public lectures.
His ability to visualize objects which he conceived in his mind, so it was necessary to explain the vision he saw






1 comment:

Why is Zoro new sword called Enma

Zoro new sword its called Enma because of way he get it. Zoro frist gets  Shusui    one of the   21 Great Grade   swords that was once wield...